Why is Council proposing to build another hockey field at Kingston Heath Reserve?

    Following extensive research and analysis, the sport of hockey was assessed as having a significant immediate need for an additional field within Kingston and the broader southeast area of Melbourne. 

    In response to this need, a site selection process was undertaken which identified Kingston Heath Reserve as the preferred location. 

    The Reserve presents the opportunity to re-purpose existing sporting fields (from cricket to hockey) whilst having minimal impact on the other uses at the Reserve.

    The proposed development of a new hockey facility is also consistent with the objectives of Council’s 2022-2025 Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, which sets out to:

    • Increase participation in physical activity (Clause 1.1); and
    • Increase accessible and equitable supply of facilities, services, and activities (Clause 4.4).

    Will the proposed hockey field be fenced?

    Yes, it is recommended that hockey fields are fenced due to potential safety issues. 

    There are many other sporting facilities within Kingston that regulate usage and manage risks with fencing (risks include property damage and public injury) including tennis clubs, bowls clubs and the neighbouring Kingston Heath Soccer Complex.

    What will happen to the cricket oval?

    The cricket oval is proposed to be relocated to the west of its current location to coexist with the existing baseball field. 

    These works will require a slight reconfiguration of the baseball facilities to ensure tree removal is minimised.

    Will there be any trees removed?

    The implementation of the proposed concept plan may require the removal of approximately 6 existing trees. These trees are located south of the proposed new cricket oval. 

    As the exact location of the proposed new hockey facility and emergency access driveway are yet to be determined, the actual impact on the existing tree numbers is unknown. All efforts will be made to retain trees where possible. 

    It is a principle of the existing Kingston Heath Reserve Master Plan to minimise the impact on the environmental qualities of the Reserve and maintain an appropriate balance of environmental amenity and habitat for flora and fauna.

    Locations for planting replacement trees at a ratio of 3:1 will be identified in the Reserve through the landscape design process. 

    Will the proposed changes impact events held at the Reserve such as the Pet Expo?

    No, festivals and events such as Pet Expo will be able to continue as the proposed new cricket oval is unfenced. 

    Furthermore, this area will be freely open and accessible to the community (outside of allocated sporting times) for non-sporting and active recreation activities.

    Are there any upgrades proposed for the soccer complex?

    No, the proposed plans do not affect the Kingston Heath Soccer Complex.