1. What is the timeframe for construction?

    A timeframe for this project is yet to be confirmed and its implementation is subject to securing the necessary funding, particularly a contribution from the State Government.

    2. Are trees planned for removal?

    To realise unfettered views into the sporting fields to the west of the reserve from the proposed pavilion, approximately five established trees will be removed. A total of 15 replacement trees will be provided in the reserve, consistent with Council’s 3:1 tree replacement requirement.

    3. How will traffic and parking be impacted?

    The recently adopted Bonbeach Sports Reserve Master Plan recommends the upgrade of the car park area through asphalt sealing and drainage works. These works are planned to follow the planned pavilion development.

    4. What is planned for the existing Curwood and Bonbeach YCW pavilions?

    Following the development of the new pavilion, the existing Curwood and Bonbeach YCW pavilions would be removed.

    5. Are there any other works planned at Bonbeach Sports Reserve?

    Priority drainage works are planned for 2023/24. As the drainage works will impact upon the proposed car park, oval 5 (cricket) and pavilion concept improvements, they are prioritised for early completion.