Why do we have a Public Health and Wellbeing Plan?

    Council is legislated by the Health and Wellbeing Act to prepare a four-year municipal health and wellbeing plan upon the election of each new Council. Kingston’s Health and Wellbeing Plan outlines Council’s commitment in developing and promoting being healthy and well to its residents.

    What are the six Action Plans being developed?

    We are developing six Action Plans that will provide more detail about specific actions and who will be working on them over 2021-2025:

    • Disability Action Plan
    • Safe and Secure Action Plan
    • Healthy and Well Action Plan
    • Positive Ageing Action Plan
    • Multicultural Action Plan
    • Prevention of Family Violence Action Plan.

    The Action Plans are cross-Council plans that seek engagement and collaboration with a range of different Council teams and community partners.

    How will this information be used?

    All information collected through the consultation will be used to inform the development of the six Action Plans. Council will work with its partners to identify specific actions that are needed over the 2021-2025 period.