Talking Kingston

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We need your help to make Kingston the best place to live, work and play.

We're inviting the community to share ideas and feedback, and suggest new projects, facilities and initiatives year-round for consideration in our annual budget process and to help deliver on our Community Vision to make Kingston the most liveable city.

What will we do with your feedback?

Your ideas and feedback will go direct to the relevant Council department for consideration. They will also be used to help draft future Council budgets.

Putting together our annual budget is a complex task, and your feedback is critical to ensure we get the balance right.
We have to consider a range of factors including:

  • alignment with current policies and strategies
  • funding our key community services
  • maintaining existing vital community assets
  • delivering any new facilities or initiatives our community needs, and
  • a challenging economic and fiscal environment.

Key dates

Talking Kingston is open year-round for feedback and ideas, but there are key dates you might want to consider:

  • 31 December 2024 - submissions for the 2025/26 Annual Budget close (you can still provide feedback after this time, but it will help inform the following year's budget)
  • 24 February 2025 - public meeting to hear Talking Kingston submissions
  • Late April/early May 2025 - draft 2025/26 Budget released
  • June 2025 - adoption of the Annual 2025/26 Budget

Submit feedback

Got a great idea you want to share? Let us know via:

online fill in our form below
face-to-face we're popping all over Kingston throughout November and December - check out where we'll be
mail PO Box 1000, Mentone VIC 3194
phone 1300 653 356

We need your help to make Kingston the best place to live, work and play.

We're inviting the community to share ideas and feedback, and suggest new projects, facilities and initiatives year-round for consideration in our annual budget process and to help deliver on our Community Vision to make Kingston the most liveable city.

What will we do with your feedback?

Your ideas and feedback will go direct to the relevant Council department for consideration. They will also be used to help draft future Council budgets.

Putting together our annual budget is a complex task, and your feedback is critical to ensure we get the balance right.
We have to consider a range of factors including:

  • alignment with current policies and strategies
  • funding our key community services
  • maintaining existing vital community assets
  • delivering any new facilities or initiatives our community needs, and
  • a challenging economic and fiscal environment.

Key dates

Talking Kingston is open year-round for feedback and ideas, but there are key dates you might want to consider:

  • 31 December 2024 - submissions for the 2025/26 Annual Budget close (you can still provide feedback after this time, but it will help inform the following year's budget)
  • 24 February 2025 - public meeting to hear Talking Kingston submissions
  • Late April/early May 2025 - draft 2025/26 Budget released
  • June 2025 - adoption of the Annual 2025/26 Budget

Submit feedback

Got a great idea you want to share? Let us know via:

online fill in our form below
face-to-face we're popping all over Kingston throughout November and December - check out where we'll be
mail PO Box 1000, Mentone VIC 3194
phone 1300 653 356

  • Let us know your ideas to make Kingston the best place to live, work and play to feed into future Council budgets!

    We are collecting your information for this consultation. The information you provide will be used to help make decisions for upcoming and future financial years. Summarised responses may be made publicly available and will always be de-identified. 

    Complete Form
    Share Share your ideas and feedback on Facebook Share Share your ideas and feedback on Twitter Share Share your ideas and feedback on Linkedin Email Share your ideas and feedback link
Page last updated: 06 Jan 2025, 01:19 PM