Will there be accessible play elements?

    Yes, some of the accessible play elements include an accessible water play hand pump, a spinning carousel, interactive electronic elements, play panels, a wheelchair-accessible trampoline and musical instruments.

    Will there be shade?

    We are refurbishing the existing shade structures, and including an additional shade panel.

    Will there be play opportunities for all ages?

    Yes, there will be play opportunities for all ages, including a spinning swing for toddlers, challenging climbing equipment for older children, a trampoline trail, upper body equipment (monkey bars), a ping pong zone and nature play. We also have a hamster/mouse wheel, musical instruments, water accessible play table, and swings which are all useable for kids, teens and adults.

    Why was the spinning cone replaced with a boat rocker?

    To ensure we're offering a wide range of play opportunities for the community, the original spinning cone net has been upgraded to a boat rocker. Rope climbing and spinning opportunities are provided through the lighthouse net and spinning carousel. The inclusion of a boat rocker will increase the variety of play experiences at Peter Scullin Reserve.