Why is this reserve being established?

    In Council's Open Space Strategy, Cheltenham has been identified as being in short supply of open spaces. Barker Street is particularly in need, given the high density of apartments in the precinct.   

    What will be the benefits of this space?

    This site will accommodate a number of passive and active recreational activities, including: 

    • Picnics
    • Reading
    • Walking 
    • Exercise 
    • Relaxing in the shade

    What is going to happen to existing trees?

    The largest trees will be retained for this site. 

    Why is there no playground included in these plans?

    To facilitate a playground on this site the entire space would be required as a minimum. 

    Existing playgrounds are situated within walking distance, at Cheltenham Park and next to the Library. 

    Council will continue to explore alternative opportunities to increase play in the area. 

    Why would Council demolish properties to achieve this outcome?

    This was identified as an ideal location for a public open space, and one of the properties which will be demolished is delapitated.