What works are proposed for Oval 5?
Council has sought technical input from sporting field design experts regarding opportunities to enhance the performance of the eastern sports fields (Oval 5). Investigations highlight the importance of this area remaining at the current height (low lying) as it assists with the prevention of local area flooding.
While Council is unable to increase the surface level height of Oval 5, the Master Plan proposes surface re-leveling to lessen the current issues with water pondage. In addition, the Master Plan also recommends the reorientation of the AFL goals and cricket wicket on Oval 5. Formalising the car park will also reduce water runoff onto Oval 5.
Does the draft Master Plan included drainage improvements?
As part of Council's strategic response to prevent localised flooding, new drainage linking Scotch Parade to the ‘Main Drain’ to the east of the Reserve (running parallel with the Long Beach Trail) is planned.
These works must happen prior to other Reserve improvements and are planned to commence from October 2022. To avoid issues with rain and the high water table, the works are planned to be completed in the drier Spring/Summer months.
Are additional indoor courts planned at the Bonbeach Sports Reserve?
Given spatial constraints and limited car parking, the expansion of the indoor courts has been assessed as not feasible. The Master Plan notes that the indoor courts are non-compliant with current standards and nearing end of life. The existing indoor courts are planned to be retained and re-purposed (subject to future identified community needs).
Will there be any changes to dog exercising and off leash areas?
The Master Plan does not propose any changes to dog off-leash areas at Bonbeach Sports Reserve. The Oval area and its surrounds will remain dog off-leash.
With the planned pavilion improvements, will Council seek for these facilities to be used by other community groups?
Yes, Council is very supportive of broad community access and shared use of facilities. As part of the early planning process to develop the draft Master Plan, Council received a proposal from a community cooking group seeking an area to grow vegetables and prepare meals. Council is eager to explore proposals such as these as it implements the Master Plan.
Will there be any tree removals?
The implementation of the Master Plan may require the removal of approximately 11 existing trees. These trees are located within the eastern car parking area, eastern end of Oval 5 and existing depot areas. As the specific details of the proposed drainage, car parking and pavilion works have yet to be determined the actual impact on the existing tree numbers is unknown. All efforts will be made to retain trees, where possible.
Locations for planting replacement trees at a ratio of 3:1 will be identified in the Reserve through the landscape design process.